
RoboPharma delivers cost effective pharmacy automation. By concentrating on a solution that suits your environment and brings speed, reliability and maximises your available space, we can provide improved efficiency, improved productivity and greater accuracy. 

Our continued investment into research and development has created new products such as refrigeration units, controlled drug cabinets, remote dispensing and drug management software. Our goal is to undertake continuous improvement of our products and deliver valued solutions to pharmacy.


Product Overview


SoftwareSoftware - Robust software interfaces with major pharmacy systems.

DispensersDispensers - Accurately store and dispense a wide range of pharmaceutical products in a convenient channel system.

Logistics2Logistics Solutions - Multiple drop points and flexible delivery solutions, to suit your needs and available space

RobolabelRoboLabel - Checks barcode against prescription and applies correct label.

RobowallRoboWall/RoboRemote - Extend your service outside normal working hour swith a remote link.

PpdotcPPD/OTC - Enhance OTC sales with automated efficiency.

CentralCentral Filling - Central Filling provides patients and customers an efficient way of repeat medication.


RobowardRoboWard -The RoboPharma RoboWard is a standalone dispensing system that provides secure medication storage in a physically robust module.

PeripheryShelving - In addition to automation we are able to supply purpose built shelving who are specialists in developing interior design systems for pharmacies



Customer support 1300 762 656